About us

The Orchestral Academy
The orchestral academy’s mission is to provide orchestral training for talented young Portuguese musicians and to help them develop new creative visions. The young academy musicians will be encouraged to develop new projects and artistic creations, within a framework more suited to today’s aesthetics. They will also work closely with the Discovery project.
The Portuguese Philharmonic orchestral academy in a glance
- Academy musicians are selected by live auditions, held every year in December.
- The auditions are announced one month prior to the event in the press, on the OFP´s website and on social media networks.
- The number of academy musicians will range from 55 to 65, depending on the programs and syllabus for each year.
- The headquarters of the Philharmonic Academy Orchestra is located in Guarda, where rehearsals and operational work will take place.
- Musicians should be available during the Easter and Summer breaks to perform at rehearsals and concerts both nationally and abroad.
- Concert locations will be announced every year, with performances planned for the main Portuguese concert halls and theatres.
- Preparation work, auditions, tests and Artistic Direction is conducted by Maestro Osvaldo Ferreira.
Internationally renowned soloists will be invited to perform with the academIc Orchestra. They will also give masterclasses for the members of of the Philharmonic Academic Orchestra.